Its extremely important to make certain that the all financial information that follows you is accurate. Of course, Im talking about your CREDIT! Credit can be a huge advantage or disadvantage depending on who's holding it. Here is a look at our recent scores and items on our credit reports (**Also wanted to mention that, I myself will always be referred to as (1) and my spouse as (2)).the site I get all my FICO info from.
(1) Credit score: 739
I was fortunate enough to work hard at rebuilding my credit by reducing my debt owed and making sure all my revolving accounts were paid off in full every month for the past 4 years. I only have my student loans and mortgage left with ONE credit card ($0 of $5000 limit used)
Here is a history this year brought to you by Fico's scorewatch(1):
2/6/05 - 687
8/26/05 - 695
9/26/05 - 724
10/10/05 - 731
10/28/05 - 730
11/6/05 - 732
11/25/05 - 739
(2) Credit score: 765
My spouse has always kept the credit score squeaky clean. There was a time before our marriage when we both signed for a single car loan, which pulled it slightly down, but it has rebounded in the past year.
Here is a history this year (2):
2/6/05 - 741
9/12/05 - 745
10/10/05 - 752
11/4/05 - 765