Retire Early
With all the reasons why NOT to retire, there are always bright sides.Top 10 Reasons to Retire Early
Reason number 10.
I want to spend more time with my family.
Reason number 9.
I want to spend more time huntin' and fishin'.
Reason number 8.
I want to lower my golf handicap.
Reason number 7.
Work interferes with what I really want to do with my life.
Reason number 6.
I'm not interested in working nights and weekends.
Reason number 5.
Once I'm retired, every day will feel like Saturday.
(Of course, we hope this doesn't apply to those currently working nights and weekends.)
Reason number 4.
In this company, looking busy means more than being productive.
(Especially, looking busy on nights and weekends.)
Reason number 3.
It's the ultimate in employee empowerment.
Reason number 2.
Instead of contributing to my 401k, I should be shorting company stock.
And, the number 1 reason to Retire Early.
I'm sick of kissing the great white corporate behind.
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Copyright © 1997 John P. Greaney