The American Dollar
One industrious American family's focus on a financial goal of freedom. Through worldly personal finance education, here is our story.
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Our Story: Both my wife and I are 27 years old and have gone through financial hell and back. Now we are on track to financial freedom, however we are not financial advisors or professionals, just everyday people. Share our journey from a negative networth and email us if you have questions or comments! :)


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Thoughts of the day

I dont have a mortgage payment for January 2006. My first payment actually starts Feb. 1, 2006 with ING. So now im in a quandary over whether or not to still make my extra monthly principal payment or I should just use that towards paying the Roth IRA. I think the IRA is a necessity b/c we are neglecting the fact that really we are filing jointly and havent been contributing that much to the Roth. So I think $1000 going to each of our accounts is a positive idea. We are still saving money to get the fence put up in April 2006. Im still worried about my last post and thinking that I only talk about the "good" investing job we have done when it sits 10 feet in front of me and not the 30 long mile road ahead. Sigh... my question is... Is life this stressful? I think I'm very OVERLY focused on saving but I find that I beat myself up about our financial situation all the time; seeming as if I still havent been good enough with our finances... oh well, Happy holidays!


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