Seperate Checking Accounts

Ive seperated the checking accounts, BUT FOR A GOOD REASON! We decided to go down to 2 living on 1 income, a thought from Kate Spills the Beans. Since we are trying to live on LESS than we make, we opened another checking account with Bank of America. I have changed my direct deposit with my company which was fairly easy and have begun the process of living on just the wife's paycheck. This will allow us to save approximately $2500-$3000 a month, used towards finishing the emergency fund and beginning tackling our mortgage. I recently have been added to the NCN Network run by No Credit Needed (NCN). Follow the journey with us over there and with many other debt haters too!
Through signing up with Bank of America, they gave me their bonus code of B60 to get me a $60 credit for opening the account, which I "should" receive in about 30-45 days. I like when there are added reasons to open a checking account with no strings. I only need to finish linking it to my ING account when my checks get here.
Good Luck! Its well worth the effort. Every payday it's like Christmas because you really start seeing your savings grow.