NEW Job in my sights!

I have a job prospect lined up for next week at a competing branch but in the same field of work. I passed the first phase of the interview a couple days ago with flying colors. They called me to schedule the final interview involving a panel. I'm excited about this prospect for a couple reasons. First off, I would get more pay; almost double what I currently make. Second they provide you with more flexible hours and less hours worked (36 per week). It also helps that it is closer to home so the commute is about 25 minutes less, saving on tons of gas and time.
Of course I may be counting my chickens before they hatch however I know there are certain factors that make me more than qualified. One of my coworkers that has less experience and less education in the field got a similar position. I don't want my basis to be off my coworker, because he may know someone inside or may have a rabbit pulled out somewhere I don't know about... But he tells me that if he got it I "definately" will get it.
I'm not what they call a "job mover" either. If a company treats me well, I have no reason to leave. I don't do month to month jobs, I stay for years. I've been working for my current company for about 4 years now and because of the "restructuring", now would be the perfect time to leave. On the money side, we will be able to complete our yearly goals by late October. My current job will allow me to finish Feb 07. On that note, I'm hopeful of the outlook, but again if I don't get the position, I will say that I tried my best. Note to self to take Monday
the 24th as a paid sick day.
sounds like a great opportunity. i'm crossing my fingers for you.