Debt Free = Spend more money!

A-Emergency Fund to $10,000
B-Mortgage payoff
C-Retirement account maxed
D-Baby Fund/ Home projects
This is the schedule after we are debt-free, however we need to focus on paying for a fence before it gets too cold outside. If we start now, we can have it finished by October. Otherwise we can wait a couple weeks and it will be finished ultimately in November. Not something that I want to do. I would rather get it done as soon as possible, but at what cost? $1085 initial payment on Sept 23 puts us in the November schedule to have it done. Should I put off the student loan just for a couple weeks to get this in? I mean it would be a good move and ultimately everything is going to be paid off in september anyway, its just the idea of writing the checks earlier to the fencing company. To add another issue, we need to remodel our main bathroom's sink. The counter is scracthed and falling apart so that will be about $500 for parts and install. At least we know that we won't have any problems finding things to spend on when we are debt free. :)