Let's reminisce...

I have devised a final plan to make sure the student loan is paid off by September 8th because the amount of the entire payoff $15,448.69, must be in their system by September 10 before it rolls to next month. On that friday the 8th, as I have my paycheck, I'm going to complete the transaction. My wife and I agree that its going to be a hellish next 14 days. We said if we can survive, it will be well worth it. We are going to be on a tough strict budget adhereing to the budget; and both of us are on board and committed! I told her that I'm very excited about paying this off but at the same time, I'm kinda sad that I won't have any extra debt to pay down. LOL :) Its been such an experience to pay this down and I know its only going to get better.
On the homefront, wife woke up a little sick this morning and wanted a drink really bad... cranberry juice. I shrugged... maybe this morning sickness thing people talk about IS real. At work, we finished some assignments and I took the rest of the day off.
9:13 PM
How did you do this? $15k. WOW
How did you pay off $15k in one month? WOW !!