Final Payment SENT for Student Loan!

I've been working so hard, I havent been able to put up any postings. I love to blog so I wanted to note this fantastic moment of when we are debt free except for our mortgage! :) It took some time but here is what we've paid off since Jan. 2003:
Car #1 $13,180.68
Car #2 $13,543.49
Capital One CC $2834.00
MBNA CC 1 $1061.72
MBNA CC 2 $6110.01
Student Loan 1 $6685.58
Student Loan 2 $18,340.18!!!!!
I want to thank my beautiful wife who encourages me daily to be the best I can be! Time to save up for the baby and pay down the house! :)
And I've changed my link to your blog btw...I noticed you have your own domain.
Congrats on the success! We are definitely envious of you guys!
We are still in the middle of paying down all of this debt, and can't wait to type a similar post on our site!
I calculated about $62k in 3 years; that is unbelievable. Congrats again!
Thanks so much... it took ALOT ALOT ALOT of discipline.
Woman in red... I'm excited that you have taken the first step! Stay focused and enjoy the process!