It's Baby Shower Time!

This weekend we have been so busy with our baby shower! My wife was so excited to get to open gifts, it was like a second christmas for her. :) But we did get ALOT of stuff for the baby including some major items like a new Graco Clarissa stroller, a pack and play, and neat bouncy seat. She told me that Im going to be playing with most of the baby's toys anyway (shes probably right). I could only dream of when I was a kid getting half the cool stuff our daughter has got and shes not even born yet! Back in my day, they didnt even have pampers! LOL Anyway, it was a nice chance to get together with relatives that I havent seen since the wedding. Plus now we know as far as "stuff" how far along we are to completing what my wife calls "the babys list". First thing my wife did this morning was be her great organized self and sort through all the stuff, put it away, and immediately tell me to put together the stroller. :) As a first time put-it-together guy... not so difficult.
We also unfortunately have to return some items back to Babys R Us. We seem to have collected about 3 different diaper bags and an extra infant bath tub thing (i think thats what they are called). The best part... the shower this weekend was only for immediate family. We have our big shower with friends in about 3 weeks... man where do we have room for all this "stuff"!!!
Side note: moved all of Fridays paycheck into savings... its crunch time now.
Hi Guys,
Sorry for not having checked this out more, but just out of curiousity... what did you guys do financially to prepare for having children? Did you start saving or were there other considerations as well?
J&M, great questions. Financially, we would say that being debt free had alot to do with our preparedness to have a child. We had already paid completely all the student loans, cars, credit cards, and misc debt. We were not expecting our first to be so soon (or at least til after the house was paid in a couple years), however not having the other debts really helped us out in building our savings and in the NEAR future open a 529, pay for hospital costs and have enough for my wife to stay at home for a couple years. Each paycheck is goal oriented :)