Enjoyed at great 4th of July!

Our baby's first 4th of July was pretty uneventful for her; however all her aunties and grandma came to visit. Today we hosted the cookout here in our home for our little get together. It was nice that how many of my siblings are still in the service industry that we could all still arrange to have a few hours of holiday time with each other. The only thing we really purchased in the whole ordeal was a small rectangular table cloth and some festive napkins which we got at Party City for 50% off which came to a $1.86 after tax. We also stopped by the local target to get some charcoal for the grill. $5.60 a bag. Since I dont really know the pricing on charcoal, I bought it and was overwhelmed that people pay that much to heat something on a grill. I can plug in my george forman and go for crying out loud. I mean the grill does have a certain taste to it and the smells of it make it almost "feel like the 4th of July"; so i guess it was worth it bringing back a little nostalgia. Then it was mostly a pot luck and everyone brought something. Of course, we ended up having too much food and I invited a friend over to help finish some leftovers off; and this guy never turns down food. You know there are people out there like that. Anyway, we unfortunately did not see any fireworks because the little one *(and US) were so tired, we decided next year is going to be a GREAT year for her in an umbrella stroller at the local park! Needless to say, it was another great 4th.... which reminds me, my birthday is in a month!
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