The American Dollar
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Our Story: Both my wife and I are 27 years old and have gone through financial hell and back. Now we are on track to financial freedom, however we are not financial advisors or professionals, just everyday people. Share our journey from a negative networth and email us if you have questions or comments! :)


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Why I'm 27 and still stressed...

Yeah I'll be the first to admit that I'm stressed about my age. A certain coworker always seems to remind me of how the corporate grind stresses him out and how he can't wait to do this or that if and when he has the money. He's 49 and in my opinion he's still very young. This is a bit of a paradox because I don't feel the same about me. I feel there are alot more things that I should have done or should be doing with my life. Moneywise, I should have definately gotten an earlier start.

Take a trip with me for a second.
At 21, I was living with my parents working nights for a local rental car company. I brought home roughly $200 a week, which barely covered my car payment and insurance. I was a lost, financially scared child and seriously considering bankruptcy on $31,000 of debt.
Fast forward to today, 27, married, child, no student or consumer debt, 2 paid for cars, rental property with positive cash and a good chunk of equity, mortgage, and a recent promotion. And yes I'm still stressed... perhaps even more than before. Maybe its because I have more responsibilities, you know what they say mo money, mo problems. Or maybe its the fact that I want more and I'm never satisfied. I'll admit I'm a humble guy with simple values and a small town upbringing but there's always been a sense of urgency with me. A fire if you will that lit under me around age 22. I guess it was to ensure I have enough security to never lead myself or my family down that destructive financial path again.

So yes I'm stressed to the core to 'do it right the first time'. Now granted some of my greatest accomplishments have come from my mistakes, but we are plowing forward. So today I'll get up and face another long work day, work week, and work month and maybe by the time I'm 28, I can relax a little.ยค


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