Enjoying our time at home... and a FINANCIAL update!

WOW a whole month and no blog! After stressing the pregnancy months (and even pre-pregnancy months), it feels good to be doing something different. The last post left little to be desired for a couple weeks however my wife and I have been busy. Spending the day with my daughter and wife has been a great vacation from the hassles and busy work of my job. We go to the park, take walks (weather has been really nice), take pictures, go shopping (not too much but she has already outgrown her 0-3 month clothes!), and get visits by the family on almost a daily basis. My date is set to go back June 15, 2007, a Friday and also our baby girl's 4-month birthday. Ahhh counting the months, just like when my wife and I started dating; we are so excited to have already passed the 1 and 2 month phases of our baby. A little sad though because with every passing day, I say to my wife that shes getting so big and doesnt look anything like she did when she was a week or a month old. She is a little older and doesnt fuss that much anymore but looks around alot and kinda does the "Im taking things in" look. Just yesterday she sat through a baby einstein dvd! She even did a tiny little laugh today (maybe gas) but it was very cute... also her morning smiles make it all worthwhile.
YEAH Finances: We did really good for the month of April and came in under budget. May promises to be another great month in living under our means... I think right now we come in right about $1200 in gross MONTHLY expenses including gas, groceries, household items, mortgage, cell phones, cable, electricity, and of course the all important baby forumla (~$35/week). I'll update the networth sheet to the right as well, as we have hit $200,000+! Apparently I havent kept track of the market these past couple weeks and it seems we did great on all our funds. Also with what little time I've had, I was able to get some needed housework done, mostly to the garage and outside. And speaking of outside appeal, 3 houses down from ours has sold for over $230K and another a few houses down from that was listed at 245K... I know our house can easily fetch 210 now... imagine what we can do if we put in a little bit more work!
Finally I apologize I havent been on here much but I promise to update a little better. But like one of my good deprived friends says it can be summed up in one word, "baby" and its pretty much understood.