The "Job" is getting easier

I consider being at home now my full time job. Its interesting that I've been doing it for about a full month without my wife, however its had ups and downs like any job. I dont want to say my wife isnt here either, because when she gets off work about 5pm, shes home helping out and getting plenty of baby time. During the daytime, I find myself more and more in a routine and just scheduling one thing after the other and repeating it if it works the next day. ie. we have adapted that she gets her 30 minutes of baby einstein where her eyes wander on the baby bach dvd. That is all the tv time she gets at 3 months, but she is calm, happy and it sometimes doubles as her poopy time. With each day that the "routine" is in place, the day goes by much faster and I end up having more "me" time to get things cleaned and prepped for her next feeding, etc. (I tried doing chores with her and putting her in the bjorn but I move so much faster when shes in her high chair or bouncy seat). However things working like clockwork RARELY happen and that little wrench in the cog machine will slow me down or just totally throw the whole routine out, so the philosophy is to just roll with it and keep going... :) So thats what is consuming my days right now.
I wanted to mention a couple things in the finances. First we decided to pull the trigger and get the SUV. I know we have been talking about it in the past few posts about how we have to deal with the space issue of getting in and out of a compact car with a baby. Well the other week, we got it used and with the same miles as our compact car. I'll write another post about haggling at the dealership and the true sales pressure there. I did stand my ground and came out much better than expected. The wife was very happy too.
Ok obviously our bottom line and savings took a hit because of the car/suv trade and the gas obviously is almost double in the SUV. However we are still trying to maintain the budget for May and keep our heads above water, which may be a photo finish on this one. I may need to dip into the emergency fund just a bit to cover groceries and gas til the end, so yeah... I guess thats what its there for and don't worry, its priority ONE when I get back to work is to replenish if I take any out.